ML 20547
Dalcouth is located 14km NNE of the Mount Garnet township. The mineralisation of the main Dalcouth deposit occurs over a strike length of 350m, with a maximum width of 130m in the SE narrowing to the NW. Close spaced drilling has defined the deposit to a depth of 100m from the surface.
Tin mineralisation within the deposit is hosted in Hodgkinson Formation turbiditic sandstones and siltstones. The sediments have been strongly deformed into complexly faulted NW-SE, NS and NE-SW trending folds. A rhyolite intrusive is spatially associated with the three (3) main mineralised zones (i.e., the Western, Central and Eastern Zones) and is clearly important to the formation of the deposit, although a genetic association has not yet been established. Each zone consists of multiple stacked lenses of mineralisation.
Mineralisation is hosted in fine anastomosing quartz-cassiterite veins and fractures associated with strong chlorite alteration of the host rock. Chlorite alteration presents as strong hematite development within the weathered zone. Quartz veining, rhyolite intrusives and mineralisation are associated with a NW trending, steeply SW dipping fracture zone.
ML 20743
Gillian is located 8km SW of the Mount Garnet township. The mineralised outcrop is a 5 to 10m wide outcropping skarn with a 1km strike length. Basement geology of the Gillian Project area is a roof pendent of Silurian aged Chillagoe Formation intruded by member granites of the O’Brien’s Creek Supersuite. The outcropping dimensions of the pendant are approximately 1km by 200m. Previous exploration has identified a north and south basins connected by a long narrow strip of mineralised sediment.
EPM 14185
Pinnacles is located 34km SSW of the Ravenshoe township. The Pinnacles deposit is a collection of over 20 individually identified deposits of various sizes. These were identified during the early 1970’s by Comalco during an exploration campaign targeting fluorine. Consolidated Tin Mines later focused further exploration work around the Pinnacles area looking for tin, iron, and fluorine.
The deposits sit within a roof pendant of carbonate rich Chillagoe Formation with dimensions of 3.5km NS by 500m EW. The 23 prospects include Queens Birthday, Citriodora, Censorship Hill, South Wafer, Wafer, Toledo, Hastings, Harthog, Llahsram, Sniksa, Far North, Michael, and Harrison. The prospects are interpreted as a series of irregular skarn lenses within the roof pendant of Chillagoe Formation rock, surrounded and underlain by the intruded Coolgarra Granite, a member of the O’Brien’s Creek Supersuite.
Pinnacles is a large tin resource that contains substantial amounts of fluorite. Fluorite or fluorspar, also known as calcium fluoride (CaF2) is the primary source of fluorine which is a listed Australian critical mineral (note the United States and the European Union identify fluorspar as a critical mineral). Mineralogy shows the fluorite is fine grained and closely associated with other minerals, mainly epidote. Metallurgical testing has been conducted to remove the fluorite to another product. The processing of Pinnacles ore would involve fine grinding (30 microns) then removal of most of the fluorite to a marketable fluorite flotation product. After removal of the fluorite the treatment to recover the tin and iron would be identical to that proposed for Gillian and Windermere and so it could be treated via the same process. EPM 14185 is a very large and is underexplored. There is numerous tin, tungsten, copper, and fluorite across its extent.
ML 381
Windermere is located 18km NW of the Ravenshoe township. Previous work has interpreted the Windermere mineralisation as a series of tabular lenses of limestone altered skarn mineralisation, with a magnetic north outcrop trend, and generally steep easterly dip with individual lenses were up to 800m long.
Initial modelling of the Windermere and Deadman’s Gully deposit was undertaken by Optiro in 2013 based on drilling undertaken by Consolidated Tin Mines in 2011. Earlier exploration work was undertaken by Otter Exploration which was not used in the development of the MRE.
A total of two elements (i.e., tin, and iron) were estimated by ordinary kriging in Datamine, into the parent block sizes. Blocks were estimated using parameters derived from the KNA and hard boundaries were utilised between each domain. Three search passes were used to estimate all the elements. Most blocks within all domains were estimated in the first search pass and all blocks were estimated by the third pass.
Windermere, much like the Gillian resource, has tin within finely dispersed cassiterite in an iron rich matrix. Metallurgical test work to date has been limited to XRD analyses on selected samples, which indicated the cassiterite was fine and dispersed due to lack of detection of cassiterite crystals. It is proposed that this resource would be suitable for the same processing route as the Gillian ore and could be processed concurrently. Determination of further magnetite at depth (i.e., beneath weathered colluvium) is required to determine if magnetite occurrences are feeder structures for Mount Ruby.