
Crucial technological resource

The most mined tech mineral globally


Current global production

380,000 tons / annum


2030 Demand

Extra 50,000 Tons / Annum


Tin demand is outstripping supply, which is being exponentially compounded by the major growth potential for further global advances.

Essential component

TIN: A vital component in global technology

Tin is a critical mineral to the increasing technologization of society and an essential component in microchips, batteries, electronics, and a range of other increasing commercial applications.

Tin demand is outstripping supply, which is being exponentially compounded by the major growth potential for further global advances. Huntore is unlocking a major tin resource to process and ship in support of our customers.

Essential component


Global Mining: Tech & Precious Metals

Tin is the most mined metal amongst the tech and precious metals globally, indicating substantial demand and diverse use cases. Rare Earth Elements (REEs), Tungsten, and Gold are key tech & precious metals indicated to exist in Huntore’s tenements. Industrial metals like Iron, Lead, Zinc, and Copper have also been indicated. Data below is from 2022.


190,000 tonnes



250,000 tonnes


Rare Earth Oxides

300,000 tonnes

Rare Earth Oxides


310,000 tonnes


Minerals Most Impacted by New Technology


Minerals Most Impacted by New Technology

Minerals Most Impacted by New Technology


Minerals Most Impacted by New Technology

Minerals Most Impacted by New Technology


Minerals Most Impacted by New Technology

Minerals Most Impacted by New Technology


Minerals Most Impacted by New Technology

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